Courses | ||||
Wireless NetworksPrerequisite: IT 120. This course introduces the students to the applied topic of Wireless Networks, focusing on applied methods, tools and technologies, as well as practical experience in designing & implementing wireless networks. Topics include hardware, software, data, applications, communication, design & installation of wireless networks, together with the implementation, performance, security and limitations of such systems. |
![]() IT 220 |
E-commerce TechnologyAn overview of the technologies relevant to electronic commerce. Communications and networking, web authoring tools, system security, databases and archiving, EDI, transaction processing, and factory/warehouse data networks. Provides competency to appraise tools such as HTTP servers, secure transaction software and firewalls, low and high-end database systems, heterogeneous networks, NNTP Servers, client software, procurement systems, and intelligent agents. Covers e-commerce models including agent-based and Java-based, electronic contracts and the electronic exchange of technical data, electronic cash systems and user security. |
![]() IT 310 |
Computer ForensicsPrerequisites: IT 230. This course introduces students to the applied topic of Computer Forensic, the study of obtaining and analyzing digital information from computers that have been used to commit illegal actions (computer crime), for use as evidence in civil, criminal, or administrative cases. |
![]() IT 330 |
Digital CrimePrerequisite: Computing GUR. Comprehensive, multidisciplinary overview of the methods and means by which technology is used by the criminal in today's society. An examination of the historical, legal, technological and sociological aspects of cybercrime. The course covers the challenges of a new era of technology has brought to combating crime of all types, including terrorism. Topics covered will include: the sociology of the white collar criminal, the criminal justice system and law enforcement, computer security and deterrence/prevention. |
![]() IT 332 |
Independent Study in Information TechnologyPrerequisites: open only to Information Technology majors who have the prior approval of the program director and the IT faculty who will guide the independent study taking the form of investigations, research, and reports on advanced topics in information technology. Students must prepare, in collaboration with their faculty mentor and in the semester prior to enrolling in this course, a detailed plan of topics and expected accomplishments for their independent study. This must have the approval of both the program director and the faculty mentor. A student may register for no more than one semester of independent study. |
![]() IT 488 |
Wireless Networks Security and AdministrationPrerequisite: Completion of the Bridge requirements for the MS in IT Administration and Security (or the equivalent). This course introduces the fundamentals of wireless network security and administration. Topics include: wireless LAN vulnerabilities, passive and active wireless attacks, enterprise wireless hardware security, secure wireless authentication and communication, wireless intrusion detection and prevention systems, WiFi and cellular network management, location privacy, personal area network administration and security, mobile IP security, GSM, CDPD, 3G and 4G network security. The course provides both a theoretical foundation and hands-on experience in these areas. |
![]() IT 640 |